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PDF Encrypt & Sign


The PDF Encrypt & Sign tool allows you to encrypt and sign your PDF documents using PDF's own built-in encryption.

How to use the PDF Encrypt & Sign Tool

To start the PDF Encrypt & Sign tool, please click the PDF Encrypt & Sign button in the Office/PDF Security section of the main Encryption Suite Pro window.

Proceed with the following options:

  • Source File - Click the Browse button to select the PDF document that you wish to encrypt.
  • Destination File - By default the encrypted PDF document will have the same name as the original document with the “_enc” suffix added to it. The default destination folder is the same folder as the original file and you may click the Browse button to select a destination folder of your choice.
  • Encrypt Checkbox - Check this box to encrypt your PDF document with a password. After checking the Encrypt checkbox, please click on the “Select Encryption Option” button to set the password.
  • Sign Checkbox - Check this box to Sign your PDF document with a password. After checking the Encrypt checkbox, please click on the “Select Signing Option” button to set the password.
en/help/main/office/pdf_encrypt.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/17 18:54 by mili