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Configuration Dialog Box

Select “Configuration” from the “Options” menu to activate the Configuration dialog box. This dialog box contains that control most PowerArchiver settings. Click on any title for further information on its content.


  • Select Skin - Enables you to select custom windows interface for Encryption Suite Pro.
  • Use FIPS 140-2 Mode - when checked, FIPS 140-2 certified encryption is always used when encrypting.
  • Languages - Select a language in which Encryption Suite Pro will appear. Autodetect will detect your system language settings and select accordingly.
  • Default Startup - allows for setting which screen of Encryption Suite Pro will appear every time Encryption Suite Pro is started. If you use a section of Encryption Suite Pro more than others, you may choose to start Encryption Suite Pro in that section every time it is started.
  • Start Encryption Suite Helper when my computer starts - when checked, Encryption Suite Helper will always start upon starting your computer and will show in the system tray.
  • Run Helper Now - when clicked, will activate and start the helper immediately.

Shell Extensions

  • Use Explorer Shell Extensions - Enables/Disables context sensitive menus (Encrypt, Decrypt, etc.).
  • Encrypt - Enables/Disables menu items: “Encrypt”.
  • Office Encrypt - Enables/Disables menu items: “Office Encrypt”.
  • OpenPGP Decrypt - Enables/Disables menu items: “OpenPGP Decrypt”.
  • Options - Enables/Disables menu items: “Options/Cib”.
  • Office Decrypt - Enables/Disables menu items: “Office Decrypt”.
  • Decrypt - Enables/Disables menu items: “Decrypt”.
  • Office Sign - Enables/Disables menu items: “Office Sign”.
  • PDF Encrypt - Enables/Disables menu items: “PDF Encrypt”.


Password Manager:

  • Enable Encryption Suite Pro Password Manager - Enables Encryption Suite Pro Password Manager.
  • Use same password for same session - when working with an encrypted file, the password used to open a file will not have to be entered again while working on that same file in one session until you exit Encryption Suite Pro.
  • Passwords Saved - List of files that Encryption Suite Pro has password information for.
  • Passwords Not Saved - List of files that you do not want Encryption Suite Pro to save the password for.

Password Profiles

  • Profile box - Displays the already created password profiles
  • Add - Add a new password profile
  • Remove - Removes a previously created password profile which you selected in the Profile box.

Password Policies:

Password Policies in Encryption Suite Pro allow you to set a set of rules which will be enforced when setting your passwords. This is important in business environments and there are numerous options you can use and rules you may set by which the password will be created. The following rules may be set:

  • Minimum Password Length
  • At least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
  • At least one lowercase letter (a-z)
  • At least one numeric character (0-9)
  • At least one symbol character (!,@,>,?,%)

Auto Update

  • Check for updates… - Checks for updates to Encryption Suite Pro at the specified interval.
  • Check for… - Checks for either official versions of Encryption Suite Pro, or beta versions as well as official ones.
  • Proxy Information - Enter proxy information to check for updates, ONLY if you access internet over proxy.
en/help/details/configuration.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/02 23:59 by mili