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Office Encrypt


Document Encryption lets you encrypt office documents with their own built in encryption – DOCX, (and more…)

Using the Office Encrypt tool

To start the Office Encrypt Tool please click on Office Encrypt from the Office/PDF security and Office Encrypt interface will start. Click the Browse button to choose the Office file you wish to encrypt. Once chosen, the file will appear in the Source File field and you can proceed to encrypting by clicking the “Encrypt To” button.

Next screen will allow you to choose the destination folder and the name of the encrypted Office document. Proceed with adjusting any of the default encryption settings, if needed, enter the password in the Password field at the bottom and click Encrypt. Your Office document will now be encrypted and will appear in the chosen destination location.

en/help/main/office/office_encrypt.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/05 15:45 by mili