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Register Encryption Suite Pro

If you have purchased a license for Encryption Suite Pro, you must enter the code you received to register the software and remove the registration notice. You can do so in several ways:

When unregistered, Encryption Suite Pro will present a registration notice when opened, click the “Enter Registration Code…” button from that screen. The registration window will appear and you will be presented with two ways to register Encryption Suite Pro:

  • Online Registration” - when first purchasing Encryption Suite Pro , you will receive an Online Registration code. The Online Registration information will consist of your account email address and a 3-digit activation code.

Please copy and paste the email and registration code from the registration email into the according fields in the Online Registration tab of the Encryption Suite Pro Registration screen. Click OK, Encryption Suite Pro will restart and return registered. The Online Registration code will remain active for the duration of your Select Maintenance and Support plan, which comes included for one year with your purchase of a license and can be renewed.

  • Offline Registration” - you will also receive an Offline Registration code which you may copy and paste into the according fields in the Offline registration tab of the Encryption Suite registration screen, click OK, Encryption Suite Pro will restart and return registered.

If you need to register from the main Encryption Suite Pro window, please click the Help button and then click on “Enter Registration Code…” from the “Help” menu. You will then be able register Encryption Suite Pro as described above.

If you have made a mistake during registration or entered incorrect registration information, a notice will be displayed stating that the entered is incorrect. If you have not yet registered Encryption Suite Pro, click “Continue Unregistered…” and click the link below to find out how to purchase a license. For information on registering PowerArchiver, review the ordering information.


Every major version has its own offline registration code. The offline registration code that you receive for the 2019 version will register the 2019 version only. Upon upgrading to the next major version, such as 2020, 2021, etc., you will be able to retrieve the offline registration code for it from your account at

Recovering your registration code

Along with upgrading your registration code for a new major version, you may also recover your current Encryption Suite PRO registration code from your account at

en/help/additional_information/register_powerarchiver.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/29 09:09 by spwolf