Finding Archives

PowerArchiver can help you find archives if you do not know exactly where they are located on your computer.

To activate the „Find Archives“ tool, click on the „File> Find Archives“ menu.


  • „Search this PC for ZIP files“ - searches all hard drives in your computer automatically (network disks and CD-ROM disks are not searched)
  • „Search only drive“ - searches a specified disk (for example, a floppy disk or CD-ROM)
  • „Manually select ZIP file“ - gives you an option to locate the file manually
  • Once you start searching, you can can stop anytime by clicking on „Stop“.
  • Once the search is finished, PowerArchiver will add all found files to your „Favorite Folders“ for your convenience (If you selected manual search, PowerArchiver will open selected file in the main window).

Please Note

PowerArchiver will search for all formats it supports, such as ZIP, 7-Zip, CAB, RAR, ACE, TAR, ISO, etc.
