
메인 화면

If you haven't already done so, load the PowerArchiver program by clicking on the “PowerArchiver” icon located in the “PowerArchiver” program folder (Start Menu> Programs> PowerArchiver). You should now see the main PowerArchiver window.

튜토리얼 영상

이 컨텐츠를 표시하기 위해서 Adobe Flash Plugin이 필요합니다.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMYX-qxv1Ic

인터페이스의 기본

The main PowerArchiver window shows three basic items:


This tutorial approaches the topic using the main PowerArchiver window as its base of operations. Classic interface is used to explain basic usage - if you are using Modern interface, you can change it to Classic interface by going to the Options tab and clicking on the Interface icon.