To Decrypt encrypted files, click the ”Decrypt Files” button. A Decryption dialog will appear and you can use the following options to decrypt your encrypted achives;
Add Files - select the file/s that is/are going to be decrypted. Selected files will be added to the decryption tracklist.
Add Folders - select the folder/s that contain/s the encrypted files you wish to decrypt. The folders will be added to the decryption tracklist.
Destination Folder
File's Current Folder - The contents of the decrypted archive or archives will be saved in the folder of the originating file/s that are being decrypted.
Custom Folder - Saves the contents of the decrypted archive or archives in the folder of your choice. To enter the custom folder to decrypt to, either type in the folder location in the shown field or click the browse browse button to navigate to the desired folder of your choice.
After selecting the desired decryption options click the Decrypt button and you will proceed to enter the password to decrypt the encrypted files in tracklist.