Table of Contents

Advanced Installation instructions

Detailed instructions on how to setup PowerArchiver for deployment within multiple user environment.

1.0 Introduction

PowerArchiver 2012 Advanced installation document will show you how to install and maintain PowerArchiver 2012. It is not specific to any environment as all the methods used should work everywhere – from network installations, disk images to Terminal Server/Citrix installations.

We have tried our best to make the process as straight forward as possible, so an experienced administrator should be able to find everything working to their liking.

If you have any suggestions for the future releases, we welcome your feedback via our support form:

1.1 License Versions

There are 6 basic licenses for PowerArchiver – Standard, Professional and Toolbox in English and Multilingual/International variations. English license will give you access ONLY to English language of PowerArchiver, while International license will give you access to any language version of PowerArchiver, including English. All versions are distributed in same installer, and once registration code is applied PowerArchiver grants user access to appropriate features. If Standard license code is used, all Professional features are removed from PowerArchiver without exception.

1.2 Changes from previous versions of PowerArchiver

We made several major changes:

  1. By default, PowerArchiver registration name and number is stored in HKLM, and not HKCU as before. This pre-registers PowerArchiver for all users on computer, as you can read in section 3.0.
  2. We change storage of registration name and code to binary format, from ASCII. That means that you will first need to register PowerArchiver and then go to HKCU\Software\PowerArchiver in order to obtain proper values if you are going to use registry script for setting installation options. By default, in your order email you will receive ASCII values.
  3. All versions are multilingual now due to improved compression and online help system. Offline help system is available upon request.
  4. IMPORTANT! Settings are now always stored in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PowerArchiverInt
  5. During installation, PowerArchiver will copy all the settings from previous installations that used HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PowerArchiver to the new key.

2.0 Download MSI Installation

Here you can download latest PowerArchiver 2012 MSI installation (All Languages/Versions) - for all Windows OS versions: Windows Server 2003, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows Server 2008, both 32bit and 64bit.


PLEASE NOTE: Please always save specific MSI you have used for installation, because it will make it much easier for you to uninstall PowerArchiver in the future.

2.1 MSI Switches

Here are some more important MSI switches and properties for installation.

More switches can be found by executing following at command line: Powarc1300.msi /?

Example: msiexec /i “powarc1300int.msi” ENABLEQUEUE=”” CHECKBOX_1_PROP=““ APPDIR=C:\Test /qn - Installs PowerArchiver quietly into the “C:\Test” folder, disables Enable Queue checkbox and latest news popup in installer.

3.0 Understanding PowerArchiver Registry

Most important part of PowerArchiver installation is how it deals with registry. While PowerArchiver uses HKCU to read current user settings, it also reads HKLM to determine if an administrator has already setup predefined settings for user. By using an HKLM key, administrator can force any setting they wish and current user will not be able to change it. At minimum, you should use it to pre-register all users on computer.

IMPORTANT: on Windows 7 64bit, you will need to use following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\PowerArchiverInt For advanced option settings as under section 3.0.

3.1 Example registry usage

PowerArchiver stores all of its settings under: “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PowerArchiverInt” – International/Multilingual versions of PowerArchiver

You can create “default” forced settings by copying one or more of registry settings to: “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PowerArchiverInt

IMPORTANT: Please copy only keys that you wish to use, do not copy all of them!

3.2 PowerArchiver behavior change with HKLM key detected

PowerArchiver behaves differently if it detects its HKLM key while being started for the first time from specific user account.

As you can see, it is very important that you use HKLM key properly, especially for registration info. All current and future users on that computer will automatically be registered for PowerArchiver, first time they start PowerArchiver, as long as HKLM registration key is present. HKLM settings will be applied every time PowerArchiver is started so user will not be able to change those settings without modifying registry (and having administrator privileges).

3.3 firstrun.reg usage

In PowerArchiver 2012, there is an additional installation feature. You can distribute firstrun.reg file in the installation destination folder of PowerArchiver, and if PowerArchiver is being run for the first time, it will copy firstrun.reg information to the registry. It is meant to replace usage of HKLM key for those who find it more appropriate for their installation scenarios. As with HKLM, you should use it at least with registration key. Unlike with HKLM keys, registry settings that are set via firstrun.reg can be changed by the end user.

3.4 Advanced registry options

Here are some examples of registry settings that you can place under HKLM registry key. Once again, please force only keys that you want to use. You will Keep in mind that user will not be able to change any of these settings on their own, so you might want to consider saving some of them under HKCU (e.g. Palanguage).

IMPORTANT : Since version PowerArchiver 2011, we have changed method of storing registration name and code in the registry, it is stored in binary format (and in email, they are sent as ASCII). You will have to enter it into PowerArchiver program and then check: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PowerArchiverInt\General\Regname and Regnumber in order to get actual binary values needed for your registry script!

3.4 GPO and Registry options

As PowerArchiver uses registry to configure or force any of the options available, you can also use Group Policy Management Editor to configure any of the PowerArchiver settings on workstations. Use GPO Management Editor like in screenshot below with registry keys explained in section 3.4, and you will be able to easily push your desired settings to all workstations.

4.0 Example Installation

Here is a small example of possible installation.

4.1 Preparation stage

You will need to prepare registration key.

  1. First run PowerArchiver on test computer and register it using code that you have received.
  2. Run regedit.exe and go to the: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PowerArchiverInt\General
  3. Right click on the “General” settings and choose to export it to the hard drive.
  4. Edit exported .reg file and delete every setting except: “RegnameW”=“xxx” “RegnumberW”=“xxx”
  5. Replace the key location at the top with: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PowerArchiverInt\General]
  6. This is what you should have in the .reg file now: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PowerArchiverInt\General] “RegnameW”=“xxx” “RegnumberW”=“xxx”
  7. Save the file patest.reg and double click on it to merge it with registry.

Now, you will have registration details entered into the HKLM key and user will not be able to change it. Additionally, when a new user logs in to the computer, PA will be smart and use that HKLM settings and at the same time fill every other setting that was not set with default values (in the HKCU key, so user can change it later). It works great for both image installs and network installs.

You can also save file as firstrun.reg and copy it to the same folder where PowerArchiver is installed to per section 3.3 explanations.

4.2 Example Installation

  1. Install PowerArchiver in silent mode: C:\Powarc1300.msi /qn
  2. Execute registry key you created for HKLM in silent mode: Regedit /S C:\patest.reg

And PowerArchiver will be automatically installed, with default settings applied after first run. You can create a batch file (.bat) with these two commands and execute it. It will then execute these two commands sequentially.

5.0 Special Notes on Citrix

There is a slight incompatibility between Citrix's Windows emulation and Borland Delphi in which PowerArchiver has been created. When maximized, PowerArchiver entry will not appear in Windows taskbar. Here is the official Citrix Workaround:

This problem is only found when PowerArchiver is run in Citrix Application mode. Windows Terminal Services will work perfectly with PowerArchiver.  

6.0 Support and other information

Please contact us if you need any kind of help with installation or anything else.

You can submit an ticket via:

Contact us via email:

6.1 How to access your ConeXware Account

To get latest registration codes, please visit your account at:

You can also receive latest copy of this document by going to your account and using resend codes feature. You will receive 2 emails – one with registration codes and second advanced installation email with this PDF attachment.